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How can the 2076 Project help?It is our opinion that the fix is easy, requiring no funding and less effort than you're currently experiencing if you're watching this circus. First, we need to encourage anyone with leadership abilities to run for office. Just as any well-run business takes applications, our candidates should impress us with their skills, qualifications and past achievements; not their paid advertisements. Our platform allows candidates to create their profile, honestly, listing their qualifications for our jobs. -Second, it should be easy to determine which candidates reflect our views if elected. Candidates will complete a questionnaire covering all hot topics with a rating scale. Each topic will ask each candidate their proposed effort (hot or not) to resolve the issues. Members will also be able to complete a similar survey and our platform will provide each user with a live report suggesting who might represent them best. It will also follow the candidate throughout their term. Third, we need accurate information to make educated choices. All issues will be debated by professionals in their fields. Facts will be checked, fake news will be rejected. While we will bring the question to its best conclusion the entire process will remain online should new information come to light. Fourth, and most importantly, we need a system which counts every American's vote, 18 years of age and older. Anything that sidetracks or waters down the vote needs to go. Gerrymandering suggests candidates can select voters. We would like to see a process where you could vote from your favorite device. Banking seems to make it work. Unarguably it has to be hack proof and have a master check available for individual voters to confirm accuracy.
How has perfect been the enemy of good?A primary 2076 PROJECT goal is to move us to big picture discussion with long-range solutions. 50 years ago we should have made a concerted effort to address climate change, education, health care, entitlements, wage disparities, the legal system…… but we didn’t. We are here now not only having to address the same problems, but also adapt to a warming climate, a less prepared work force, costly healthcare, a huge national debt, a social media misinformation machine…. and so many more. We can no longer afford to let perfect be the enemy of good. For example, Hybrid (car) technology, capable of almost doubling the fuel mileage of their counterparts was first available in 1997. Hybrids are reasonably priced, require a 2 kWh battery rather than 60 to 130 for EVs, no charging network and would cut pollutants by one third. While pound for pound a better solution than full electric, in 2021, only 5.5% of sales are hybrid, 3.2% all electric. We’ve let the vocal fringe run the show because most of us are comfortable with status quo. [ITS NOT]…. [BUT IT CAN BE]. The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. The video below is from the 2012 HBO series, “The Newsroom”.
What is the 2076 Project?The 2076 Project is a commonsense, non political, rational, transparent effort to identify and address the many problems facing our republic. We are currently a small group of concerned voters disillusioned by all the organized parties. It is our opinion that without serious adjustments American society, as we know it, will be gone well before her 300th birthday. If our platform can become the place to go for voting research, we can take the money out of politics and get the leadership we deserve. If our platform can encourage citizen participation through interaction we can get the country we desire. We are Americans first and welcome anyone who believes America can do better. Invest a few minutes reviewing our position. If you like, if it makes you smile, please join the effort. Many totally unpaid positions are available in leadership, software development, marketing, platform operations and others. There is no cost to participate.
How do you envision The 2076 Project changing the way that government works in the United States?The 2076 Project is a stand-alone effort to improve the quality of our government. We include all parties but focus on independents. They are invited to join, no cost or obligation, and become members. First, it encourages resolution. Issues like abortion, gun control, immigration, 2020 election, marijuana, voting laws, term limits, lobbying, gerrymandering, electoral college, climate and many others should be resolved in a public forum. Topics of importance would be discussed, debated with conclusions established and solutions prescribed. False, irrelevant or negative speech would not be allowed. Established news organizations, professional associations and experts would referee. The solutions would become the platform. Secondly, we welcome anyone who wishes to run for and hold an office in our government (local, state, national) to apply for the job in our database. This would include a resume with work history, natural talents, education, business ventures and other factual information. Additionally, they could provide a one-page summary of their aspirations and goals should they be successful. This open format could, if we encourage enough voters to join us, reduce the need for money in politics. We could raise the quality bar by allowing anyone of substance and ability to put their name in the hat. Member interest in promising candidates could elevate unknown superstars without campaign staff, advertising and fundraising. Third, if we can successfully establish the value of the program to voters, giving us enough members to represent a typical slice of America, we could offer an overnight read on voter perspective through polling. This could give our representatives help in making quick calls.
What are the priorities of the 2076 Project?We are the majority. The 2076 Project is an effort to reunite independent, common sense Americans into the mainstream majority it should be. Some of our basic covenants include: 1. Democracy is everything. Anything and anyone that disregards that will become a subject of concern. The best possible voting system should be available and then followed. Each vote must count. Gerrymandering the electoral college and other obstacles to free and fair elections needs to go. 2. What religion Americans practice in their own private lives should always be their choice, but it should not be intertwined in a government that represents us all. Separation of church and state is critical so as to allow each of us a clear path to personal freedom. 3. Facts are critical to resolving challenges and the creation of common sense solutions. Alternate facts, conspiracy theories and BS have no place at the table with the adults. 4. Hate, prejudice and disrespect are beyond true Americans looking to work together. Negative non-productive narratives have no place here. We may never all agree, and that's ok. Initially The 2076 Project will focus on two priorities: 1. Taking money out of politics and the election (hiring) process. This doesn't need to be the huge undertaking many make it out to be. Ultimately the money is used to push a candidate selected by some group with advertising, promotion and touring. If we as the voters disregard the outside distraction we can focus on the facts and elect those most worthy. As part of our Project we encourage all candidates to complete an application for office. This would include verifiable references, work history, accomplishments, schooling, skills and hobbies. Narratives on their hopes and direction would be welcome. Additionally, they would answer the same questions you did regarding their personal feelings on important issues. Comparison to your view and that of your government candidates by graph is encouraged on demand. This system would give anyone the ability to run for office without the need for money. No need to campaign; create a message to voters online. 2. Having access to factual information is critical to being a good citizen. Rather than build something unique we would like to encourage those already established to keep us informed and educated. Every legitimate organization capable of providing accurate, factual information would be welcome to participate. The format would provide for top stories, human interest, government, local stories and others. Each organization would have a space to comment on each story giving their take. Members would be encouraged to invest in the organizations they find the most useful, allowing them access to the complete story.
Is American still the best place to live? If not, why?While we might aspire to be the best, our record is dismal. With all our many advantages, we should be leading the world by example. [ITS NOT]…. [BUT IT CAN BE]. The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. The video below is from the 2012 HBO series, “The Newsroom”. The 2076 PROJECT is a logical, common-sense strategy to help every American be proud again. We have to convert talk to action. Join with us to form the solution. There is no cost to join, no information will be shared, and nobody will call or bother you. Participate as much as you wish. We will review one issue each week. We will suggest solutions. Each one will have short factual descriptions with pros and cons. Pick one or suggest one. We will continue to debate any solution which draws 20% or more votes until we have one that most of us can support. There is so much we can do when we prioritize and focus. Be the Change… Own your World.
What are some of the solutions the 2076 Project proposes?We need all sides to debate to a conclusion, a solution. Why rules and laws don't affect some, why gun regulations can't pass, why the electoral college is still a thing and climate isn't, why we can't fix schools and healthcare. What is the good and bad of term limits, why lobbying and gerrymandering is legal and marijuana isn't. Voting needs to be easy; why can't we do it online? I'd like to keep going but the bottom line is that the ADULTS need to stand up! There needs to be discussion and then action! I have a solution but need your help. The 2076 Project can put us back on track. It can eliminate the need for money in politics and provide an honest place for discussion with all sides. An educated voter is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy. It can properly, honestly and accurately interview prospective applicants for public office and give voters never-before insight as to the best fit, irrespective of party. It can help anyone of substance get elected with no campaign. It's completely unaffiliated, transparent and self supporting. It is designed to be simple and requires little oversight. It can be scaled to serve the entire country on a local, state and national level. Promoting the best in all of us.
What are some of the problems with the current political system that you believe are preventing it from solving problems?Politics and Politicians don't have the solution. Politics Defined: The activities associated with the governance of a country, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. Politician Defined: A person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization. Why are we encouraging this? Picture a world without politics. Enjoyable holiday celebrations with family and friends, news feeds focused on life that makes us smile. No ads or emails begging for election money. Our government shouldn't be the top story every night. They only have our attention because we give it to them. Our world is way bigger and much more interesting. The political circus is embarrassing, non-productive and making us all mad. The show is over if we declare it. The 2076 Project is simply a tool to let that happen. Use it as much or as little as you'd like. It will never ask for money, contain advertising, email or call you, share your data or knock on your door. Yet, when fully implemented it will offer a place to find factual information, allow you to voice your opinion with your representatives 24/7, take money out of politics and assist you in voting for those best suited to represent you. First, we take each important issue and fully debate it, looking at it from all sides. We will ask our established new organizations and associates to provide factual information. Anyone willing to keep it honest and stuck to science can participate. Experts in each field will be invited to offer insight and will fact check each other. Once sufficient input provides a clear answer we will brainstorm again for a direction or solution. Talk, then action. Second, we will encourage everyone interested in public office to apply for the job. City council, state office, Governor, US House & Senate, even President. Simply post a resume on our site, listing your abilities and qualifications. A one page letter to voters can give personal insight as to how you would carry out our wishes. Everything has to be honest, without opinions. Badmouthing opponents, false statements or hate speech will eliminate your application. Third, members (that's you) will be able to provide a detailed profile of issues that have priority for you and your position on each. The candidates will have the same opportunity and our site will compare responses and list those best suited to represent you as your employees in government. Candidates who best match the most members will move up in rankings, helping anyone with talent, integrity and honesty to become noticed. No money, huge campaign or advertising budget required. It all starts with a simple sign-up. Just a few fields to maintain integrity. You can add to your profile at any time.
How does the 2076 Project plan to solve the issues?Politics and Politicians don't have the solution. Politics Defined: The activities associated with the governance of a country, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. Politician Defined: A person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization. Why are we encouraging this? Picture a world without politics. Enjoyable holiday celebrations with family and friends, news feeds focused on life that makes us smile. No ads or emails begging for election money. Our government shouldn't be the top story every night. They only have our attention because we give it to them. Our world is way bigger and much more interesting. The political circus is embarrassing, non-productive and making us all mad. The show is over if we declare it. The 2076 Project is simply a tool to let that happen. Use it as much or as little as you'd like. It will never ask for money, contain advertising, email or call you, share your data or knock on your door. Yet, when fully implemented it will offer a place to find factual information, allow you to voice your opinion with your representatives 24/7, take money out of politics and assist you in voting for those best suited to represent you. First, we take each important issue and fully debate it, looking at it from all sides. We will ask our established new organizations and associates to provide factual information. Anyone willing to keep it honest and stuck to science can participate. Experts in each field will be invited to offer insight and will fact check each other. Once sufficient input provides a clear answer we will brainstorm again for a direction or solution. Talk, then action. Second, we will encourage everyone interested in public office to apply for the job. City council, state office, Governor, US House & Senate, even President. Simply post a resume on our site, listing your abilities and qualifications. A one page letter to voters can give personal insight as to how you would carry out our wishes. Everything has to be honest, without opinions. Badmouthing opponents, false statements or hate speech will eliminate your application. Third, members (that's you) will be able to provide a detailed profile of issues that have priority for you and your position on each. The candidates will have the same opportunity and our site will compare responses and list those best suited to represent you as your employees in government. Candidates who best match the most members will move up in rankings, helping anyone with talent, integrity and honesty to become noticed. No money, huge campaign or advertising budget required. It all starts with a simple sign-up. Just a few fields to maintain integrity. You can add to your profile at any time.
How will memberships help to advance the goals of The 2076 Project?While we welcome All to join, only those serious about progress and solutions will have full access to The 2076 Project. Membership is free, you will never be asked for money. Member information will never be sold or shared. Level 1 Membership: Allows you to view most of the content available. It requires a verifiable phone number and email address. Up to five different devices can use one account. The profile questions are optional. Level 2 Membership: Allows you to view all content, vote on issues and leave comments. It requires most profile questions to be answered. The information in your profile is never shared or used to identify individual members. It is used to help you understand where you stand in relation to the membership as a whole and the project to understand the needs and direction of its members. Level 3 Membership: Requires weekly participation. The ultimate goal is for member interaction to grow the content and direction of the project.
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